This is a place for those who feel deeply.
Those of us who are called to the depths, we don’t have to go there alone. There is a wisdom and healing to be found in the confusion, in the unspoken, and in the pain. It is in the body, in the dreams, and in the imagination that we can, together, listen to find a new meaning and transformation.

Who You Are…
You are whole, but feel in pieces.
You hurt, probably much more than you let on.
You may be mired in destructive family, romantic, work or health patterns. You may be struggling with addiction (in you or someone close). You may be haunted by trauma, or by loss.
You are highly sensitive and that gift of sensitivity and awareness has not always felt safe to feel and be with.
You feel more than just your own personal pain. You’re attuned to collective and/or family grief and trauma but have no container for it.
You may be desperately unhappy. Or angry. Or lonely. Or feeling lost…and not know why.
You may secretly fear you are deeply flawed. Broken. Crazy. Unlovable. Unnecessary.
"The right way to wholeness is made up of fateful detours and wrong turnings."
C.G. Jung
Who I Am…
I am Katharine Bainbridge and I practice a holistic and integrative approach to psychotherapy that draws upon my experience as a Jungian Analyst, Buddhist Psychotherapist and Somatic Experiencing™ (SE®) Practitioner. I believe providing a safe, reflective, and private space for the psyche to speak is how we come to know ourselves most deeply .
Because we are not designed to suffer alone, it is my work, with the assistance of your own innate intelligence, to companion you through the depths and help guide you into your own knowing, your resiliency, your empowerment, and awakening to your own unique way of being in the world and contributing t0 this very life.
I see local clients from Los Angeles in my private office in Encino.